
Money Saving Articles

5 Tools That Will Help You Save More Money In 2015

Let’s face it, with the ushering of 2015 you probably evaluated yourself and came up with some goals that you want to try to achieve during the New Year like saving more money. Unfortunately, some of those goals will probably slip through the cracks, as life demands more of your attention. That’s why we are here! To help you get through your goal of saving

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Mint.com Expert Interview About Saving on Bills

This post originally appeared on Mint.com’s Blog. Bills are one part of life that almost everyone has to accept. What individuals don’t have to accept is how much they pay for those bills. Josh Sheehan of BillCutterz says that saving money on bills is something everyone should look into, and it’s what BillCutterz does all day, every day. The company helps clients reduce how much they spend

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Money Saving Series Part 4: Our Favorite Money Saving Resources

Welcome to part 4 of our Money Saving Tips series. This week we are featuring 3 of our favorite money saving resources. The sites featured in this article are some of our favorite sites aimed at saving you more money. These sites will arm you with money saving tips and tricks, as well as apps and services that will save you more of your money!

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5 Tips To Keep Your Budget Simple And Functional

Let’s face it. Budgeting is a boring topic–as dry as popcorn on toast. And very few people become giddily excited over crunching numbers and tightening one’s belt. In fact, most of you would rather have your canine teeth yanked out than discuss “fiscal responsibility,” right? The good news is that once you develop a budget that works for you, you will never have to read

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8 Financial Tips To Remember During The Holidays

This holiday season, many consumers are preparing to shop until they drop. In fact, the average consumer plans on spending $718 on holiday gifts this year. To help you keep spreading holiday cheer this year, here are eight financial tips to remember during the holidays: 1. Make a list and stick to it. Throughout the holiday season, there are going to be hundreds of sales going

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Make The Most Out of Your Thanksgiving This Year

Thanksgiving is right around the corner! If you’re anything like us, you’re looking to cut your costs and get the most out of your holidays this year. To help you out we have put together some easy tips to guide you through the upcoming holiday. Get yourself ready for lots of food, fun, and family time! Have a potluck! Having a potluck is a great

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Money Saving Series Part 3: 5 Money-Saving Must Reads

Welcome to part 3 of our Money Saving Tips series. This week we are featuring 5 of our favorite money-saving must reads. Whether you are looking for simple solutions to save money, or you’re looking for a great resource base for future money advice, we have you covered. Be on the lookout for part 4 of our Money Saving Tips series! How Much Money Should You

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5 Important Things to Remember When Trying to Save Money

  Saving money can be challenging, especially in the beginning. Having the right habits and mindset will help you save more of your money.  To assist you, we’ve prepared five of our favorite tips to remember when trying to save money. It Takes Time Building a healthy savings account won’t happen over night, it takes time. Putting small amounts of money into your savings account will

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Money Saving Series Part 2: Save on Last Minute Halloween Preperations

Welcome to part 2 of our Money Saving Tips series. This week we are featuring money-saving tips for the upcoming holiday, Halloween. Whether you are looking for costume ideas, or cheap do-it-yourself decorations, we have you covered. Be on the lookout for part 3 of our Money Saving Tips series! Spend Less on Candy and Decorations this Halloween With the average person spending $77.52 on

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6 Tips For Achieving Financial Freedom

More people struggle with debt today than ever before. Most individuals struggle to get ahead, they find themselves stuck in a vicious cycle of debt. For the debt-stricken individuals I am very happy to tell you that there are multiple ways to get out of debt without needed outside help, it all comes down to good and bad habits. Forming good saving/spending habits is the

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Take the BillCutterz Challenge

We saved Mark over $300 per month on his monthly bills. Now he can finally take that vacation he's been dreaming about.

Here's how it works:

  1. Send us your bills.
  2. We negotiate discounts.
  3. You save money.

Ready to Save on Insurance?

Get a free, no obligation quote and find out how much you could save. It only takes 5 minutes to save up to 50% or more.

Join thousands of people who have saved money on their monthly bills.