Credit card bills are something that the average American is no stranger to these days. The truth is, just about all of us have a credit card in our pocket or pocket book! Paying these bills is just something that we’ve become accustomed to. But, what if there was a simple way to cut the costs associated with credit card debt? Well, there is!
Credit card issuers are rapidly increasing in number. Retailers and companies are launching their own line of credit cards for every possible market out there. Even retail warehouse clubs have started offering financial assistance to their consumers, with much leniency. With the rolling abundance and accessibility of credit, people must also be reminded of ways to secure and protect it. Your credit card is one…
The south is notorious for its scorching summers, and Texas is the worst reaching over 100° F for weeks on end without any relief. Some years the south doesn’t even receive a gradual introduction into summer, and the spring months of March through May just turn into an early summer. That’s why it’s important to prepare for summer early, as it can often arrive without any warning.…
If you, like most of us out there are feeling the pinch, finding that currency just doesn’t stretch as far as it used to, you’re probably interested in knowing how to buy furniture on the cheap. We look at where to find good furniture deals that will help you create a beautiful home without busting your budget. Here are 10 ways to save money on used furniture.
April 15 is less than a month away and if you’re expecting a sizeable tax refund, it’s tempting to use that money on something fun instead of being responsible. Here are 5 smart ways to use your tax refund that won’t make you kick yourself later.
What would happen if your car, which is your transportation to and from work every day, needed a necessary $1,000 dollar repair tomorrow. Could you cover it with your savings? Or would you charge it? Would you borrow money? Or would you put your rent money towards it?
While saving can be tricky if you’re living paycheck to paycheck, there are certainly ways of finding cash to put toward your savings. Here are 3 simple ways to save for an emergency.
Buying a home is likely the single-most expensive transaction you will ever make. And when you consider the long-term implications, possible options and all of the components of buying a new home, it is easy to see how some people can become overwhelmed. Here are some house hunting tips that can help you stay organized, focused and in control of your finances so you can…
One of the most important aspects of saving money is understanding your money; and in today’s mobile world, there are a whole host of apps designed to help you keep better track of and manage your finances. Here are the top 4 free money management apps for Android and iPhone.
College graduates are moving home at a much faster rate than ever before and it’s no wonder with the rising costs of living and tough job market. Whether you are personally for or against this new trend, this situation works great for some families. So what happens when your new grad decides he or she wants to move back in with you? Here’s a quick…
Saving money is an act a lot of us claim to be good at but in reality not many of us in the Western world know what it is to be truly miserable. The last time things have been really bad and what we give as the greatest example of a crisis in the United States and subsequently the world was during the Great Depression.…
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