Guest Post by Rebecca De La Rose Throughout the years, many people have been told to stay away from credit cards. While it’s true credit cards can leave individuals in debt, you can benefit from a line of credit if you use it responsibly. In many situations, you benefit more when paying using a credit card instead of a debit card. Let’s discuss some of the…
I have been thinking a lot about traveling lately, possibly because I haven’t done much of it this year. One of my favorite lifestyle bloggers recently had her luggage lost halfway through a trip and she had to buy a few emergency replacement items in a tourist destination. It had to be expensive to do and she admitted she’d broken her cardinal rule of having…
Summer has started in earnest for most of us, school is out all over, and vacation season is here. Some planned way ahead for their summer, but for the rest of us, here are some tips and tricks to make your vacation budget smart and fun. Pick a Location Sure, this seems obvious, but the first step is to decide where to go. Do…
Vacations and budgets are words that don’t usually go together. With Spring Break right around the corner, you are probably trying to figure out how to maximize your funds for fun. Most of these tips will work for both college students and families. Last Minute Booking For those of you who haven’t booked a destination yet, there are last minute deals to be had…
Even though gas prices have stayed fairly reasonable as of late, this doesn’t mean that your transportation costs as a whole have done the same. As you transition back into a new school year (with undoubtedly more driving), make certain your transportation costs don’t skyrocket. Here are a few quick helpers to make sure your wheels aren’t driving away with your money. Auto Insurance For…
Even when you’re on a budget, there will be times when you just need to travel and get away from it all. The best way to make your vacation relaxing is to not spend so much that you get home and have to suffer the consequences for the next six months.
After graduating from a 4 year college with a degree in poetry, entering the job market right away was neither an easily nor attractive option. I was tired of taking notes and sitting in dull rooms all day. I needed to change my scenery, leave town, meet some new people, and have some new experiences before settling in to the commitment of a new job…
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