
Money Saving Articles

This Idea is Genius! Save Me Money!

As you know, BillCutterz has recently celebrated 10 years of saving money for its customers. We are very proud of this milestone and look forward to the next 10 years of helping people save money on their monthly bills. We’ve published money-saving tips on our blog since 2010 and have shared tips from our favorite bloggers, too.   Are There Any New Tips? We keep

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Escaping Boredom While Being Frugal

Do your eyes glaze over when you hear the word budget or frugal? Many people think that things related to saving money are boring. I’ve said before that I’m a bit of a nerd about budgets and money saving, so I’m going to share my excitement.   Frugal Isn’t a Four-Letter Word Duh, it’s six. But the point I’m trying to make is that it

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Summer Parenting is Expensive

Of course, parenting is always expensive, but summer brings its own set of costs. Back in my day, it was more common to have a mother who was able to stay home with the kids, so summer just meant more time with them. These days that is more the exception than the rule. So, what are parents supposed to do?   What Does Summer Cost?

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What’s Up with This FIRE Movement?

Have you heard of the FIRE movement yet? I’ve heard of it in passing a few times over the past couple of years, but it seems that recently it’s getting a lot of attention. In case you haven’t heard of it, it stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. Sounds like a pretty good plan, doesn’t it? I’ll hit some of the highlights and provide links

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Moving Is Not for The Weak

It’s no secret I recently moved, and since it wasn’t a local move, I had to get it all done in one day. It has been several years since I did so, and I forgot how stressful and expensive it was. I learned a few new lessons this time, so I’m going to share them.   You Can’t Start Too Soon I knew my move-out

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What is the Most Important Lesson You’ve Learned in Life?

Every so often someone will ask me about lessons I have learned, and I always ask for clarification. In my mind, lessons are either things a person has taught me, or things life has taught me, and they are very different from each other.   A Lesson from Mom My parents taught me so many things, some with intention, and some by example. The things

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What Are You Wasting For?

Incremental Money Waste Have you ever heard of the ‘latte factor’? It’s a term that sums up the idea of incremental money waste and how it affects your long-term financial picture. I have touched on it before, but I’ll dive into a bit more this week.   What Do You Regularly Buy? The concept is that you might buy a cup of coffee every day

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4 Lazy Ways to Save Electricity with Technology

I freely admit to being lazy sometimes and finding easy ways to save electricity makes me feel a little better about it. In the past 5 years, there have been so many cool advances in technology plus prices have come down on the gadgets. Here are my favorite 4 and a bonus lazy life hack that has nothing to do with saving electricity.   Smart

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Can You Put a Price on Love?

When it comes to unconditional love, it’s possible to buy it in the form of a pet. According to the Insurance Information Institute, 68% of American homes have a pet of some kind. That works out to 85 million homes, about 60 million with dogs and 47 million with cats. Clearly, there is some overlap there if you add it up; I happen to have

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How to Support Your Family on One Income

It’s hard enough to support a growing family, in general, these days with skyrocketing rent, childcare, healthcare, and rising utility costs. But if your family is like 54% of other US families, you’re surviving on one income, and chances are you could stand some savings in addition to your spending. Here are the best ways to stretch your paycheck and keep more green in the

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