
Money Saving Articles

6 Money Saving Tips for Single Moms

As a single mom, you know that saving money is essential. Whether you’re trying to support your family by working three mediocre jobs or one high-paying job with long hours, chances are that you’re struggling in one way or another. Even if you have a great job, you may have trouble covering all your expenses plus the full-time childcare you use while you work. You

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How to Cut Down on Moving Costs

Moving is a tedious and difficult process. In most of the cases it can even get really expensive. Even if you decide to do the moving yourself, and not spend any money on professional moving services, your expenses may be boosted by unexpected circumstances. In order to do your moving on a budget, you need to be smart and think outside the box. Out there,

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3 Ways to Save Money on Food in College

As if college tuition wasn’t already expensive enough on its own, paying for meals several times a day on campus can easily deplete what’s ever left of your scholarship or loan money if you aren’t careful. Campus eateries aren’t cheap nor the healthiest food choices. But there are some simple ways that you can still eat three meals a day and not go bankrupt. Here

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4 Ways to Save Money on Electricity

Electricity is one of the most expensive monthly bills for Americans. If you’re in a de-regulated market you can shop around for the best rates, but if your electricity is regulated by a local government, you still have options for lowering your electricity bill. Here are 3 ways to save money on electricity by making changes around your home.

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DIY Projects to Save on Utilities

They can be the bane of your existence, but that doesn’t make them any less necessary. We all have little projects around the house that we must do — unless we want to pay someone else to do them. Considering the cost of hiring a plumber, and electrician, a carpenter, and other specialists, we know we’re better off doing them ourselves. Would it help if

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2 iPhone Apps to Manage Money

Managing your finances is important whether you’re a college student, new grad, fifty-something or a retiree. Technology makes it easy to keep up with your money and stick to a budget. Here are 2 helpful iPhone apps to manage money.

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3 Ways to Go Green to Save Money

How many times have you wondered about the amount of destruction that you are impounding upon mother nature and wished that you could go the environmentalist way and mend your deeds? But haven’t you always been thwarted by skeptics who have always told you that going green is something for the affluent, and someone who is not a millionaire can never afford it! Well, here

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How to Save Money on Prescription Glasses

For those of us with less than perfect vision, prescription eyeglasses are an expensive necessity. Here are 6 ways to save money on prescription glasses.

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How to Save Money with a Roommate

One easy way to cut back on housing costs is to live with a roommate. There are all kinds of tricky situations that can arise from two or more people living in close quarters, but if you do it right, you can save some major moolah by getting a roommate. Here is your guide for how to save money with a roommate.

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5 Tips for Frugal Grocery Shopping

The prices of just about everything from gas to clothing have been soaring, making it harder to stretch our dollars. There are ways to save money on the things we need just by being creative. We can save money on buying clothes by shopping at less expensive stores and catching sales. We can cut our gas costs by riding a bike or using public transportation.

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Take the BillCutterz Challenge

We saved Mark over $300 per month on his monthly bills. Now he can finally take that vacation he's been dreaming about.

Here's how it works:

  1. Send us your bills.
  2. We negotiate discounts.
  3. You save money.

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