
Money Saving Articles

Buying Christmas Presents on a Budget

Christmas is slowly creeping in and in most cases it has to do with a lot of expenses. A ton of money spent for decoration, the holiday dinner and especially on presents. People tend to waste a huge amount of money on presents without even giving it much of a thought how to please the people they care for while NOT breaking the family bank.

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10 Frugal Christmas Gift Ideas

For those of us on a budget this holiday season, finding the right gifts can take some creative thinking. Here are 10 frugal Christmas gift ideas to get you started.

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How to Travel and Explore the World on a Budget

While many would love to take a month off of work and hit the road on their dream holiday, unfortunately, not a lot of people can really afford to go on a vacation far away. Long-term travels and round-the-world trips are a marvelous way to spend a long period of time, but some don’t find these ideas feasible. The two main obstacles that stop people

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Best and Worst Things to Buy in December

December is one of the busiest months of the year – everyone is getting ready for the holidays and trying to get some great holiday gifts for their loved ones at an affordable price. Sometimes there are bargains to be had, but sometimes there are items you should avoid during this month. Here are the best and worst things to buy in December.

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Top 3 Frugal Thanksgiving Recipes That Will Keep

Recent weather catastrophes have emphasized how it important it is to be prepared for an emergency. With a well-stocked pantry, you should be able to get through most emergencies. However, when emergencies and holidays collide, this feat becomes even trickier. To ensure that your Thanksgiving is festive regardless of any emergencies that may occur, we have put together a few recipes for your convenience. These

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How to Save Money on Heating Bills

Worried about how you’re going to heat your home and pay the bills this winter? You’re not alone. With the economy still in trouble and utility companies raising their prices, many families are going to struggle to make ends meet during the coming cold months. It’s therefore very important to save money by conserving heat in your home. Losing warmth unnecessarily simply means that you’ll have

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5 Ways to Save Money on Vacation

If you are planning your vacation but you don’t know how to manage your budget, here are some ideas for you to help you organize your budget in a way that you can afford a nice and relaxing family vacation. Here are 5 ways to save money on vacation.

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7 Ways to Save Money for the Christmas Budget

Halloween isn’t even here yet, but it’s still time to start thinking about holiday gifts. If you like to go all out on Christmas – especially on decorations, gifts and food – now is a good time to put a little extra oomph in your budget. Here are 7 ways to save money for the Christmas budget.

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7 Frugal Labor Day Activities

Labor Day is the first three day weekend after summer and is a great time to relax or work on some projects. Here are seven frugal Labor Day activities that are sure to brighten your weekend and keep your budget happy.

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5 Ways to Save on a Fantastic Vacation

A vacation should be a relaxing time for you to enjoy with your family, but sometimes your finances can cause a strain on the fun. With a bit of effort and careful planning, you can still enjoy a fantastic vacation without worrying about money. Here are five ways to save on a fantastic vacation.

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