Saving money whenever possible is important to most people, but many overlook ways to save money that are less obvious. For instance, have you considered how you can save money on your electricity bill? Monthly expenses like electricity can feel rote, but reevaluating energy costs from time to time is a good idea – there are often ways to save that you would not have…
These days there are a lot of different ways that you can save money. Some people like to cut coupons, some like to sign up for deal websites. However, there are some things you can easily do around the house to save money and lower your bills. These changes will help make your home more energy efficient and help keep money in your wallet.
Recent weather catastrophes have emphasized how it important it is to be prepared for an emergency. With a well-stocked pantry, you should be able to get through most emergencies. However, when emergencies and holidays collide, this feat becomes even trickier. To ensure that your Thanksgiving is festive regardless of any emergencies that may occur, we have put together a few recipes for your convenience. These…
They can be the bane of your existence, but that doesn’t make them any less necessary. We all have little projects around the house that we must do — unless we want to pay someone else to do them. Considering the cost of hiring a plumber, and electrician, a carpenter, and other specialists, we know we’re better off doing them ourselves. Would it help if…
How many times have you wondered about the amount of destruction that you are impounding upon mother nature and wished that you could go the environmentalist way and mend your deeds? But haven’t you always been thwarted by skeptics who have always told you that going green is something for the affluent, and someone who is not a millionaire can never afford it! Well, here…
Do you want to live a frugal lifestyle but are afraid that it will come off as cheap or miserly? There’s no need to worry that friends and family will nickname you “Scrooge,” because there are literally dozens of ways to live a stylish life while still being smart with your money. Below are my top four.
So you’ve already cut back on your expenses by knocking out frivolous purchases like Starbucks, but you want to save even more money. Since you’re already on a tight budget, it takes a little creativity to find additional savings. Here are 10 ways to save money on a tight budget.
Saving money is one of my very favorite things, and it’s probably yours, too. It’s not just about cutting back on frivolous spending or using coupons – it’s about managing your finances, staying within your budget and finding new ways to save money. Here are 10 online tools and mobile phone apps to help you save money.
Most of us are looking forward to our upcoming three day weekend, even if we aren’t planning an early summer vacation. Here are some frugal ideas to have fun and enjoy your Memorial Day weekend.
Even though it’s barely spring, most of the U.S. is experiencing seasonably warm temperatures. It’s time to start thinking about surviving summer heat waves without spending a fortune.