
Money Saving Articles

8 Ways to Save Money on Food

Americans love to eat, whether it’s a home-cooked meal or a night at out a restaurant. It’s easier to stop at a restaurant or fast food joint than it is to cook, but it doesn’t always save you money. Here are some tips to save the most money on food, whether it’s cooking at home or dining at a restaurant.

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Educational Activities for the Frugal Family

Learning is one thing that never goes out of style, but sometimes it costs money. Here are some educational activities that won’t break your bank.

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Saturday Morning Savings

Saturday is often times the best day of the weekend. You can sleep in a little bit and still have the whole day to enjoy. Here are some fun ways your family can kick start your Saturday and still have money left over for the rest of the weekend.

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Frugal Friday Night Fun

During the fall, many families leave behind the summer fun and put their nose to the grindstone without coming up for air until Christmas break. So, what if there were fun activities that families could do without dipping into Christmas savings? Here are some fun ways families can connect on weekends without spending a lot of money.

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How to Backup Your Digital Life for Free or Cheap

From photos to movies to documents, your digital life is becoming more and more essential to your everyday life and you should protect it. Backing up your data is one of the most important things you can do to ensure a worry-free life in the case of a computer disaster.

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How to Save Money on School Lunches

School lunches can cost parents a bundle, especially if they’re buying individually wrapped snacks or paying $3-4 dollars a day to buy school lunches. Here are some helpful ways to reduce school lunch costs without necessarily cutting out tasty snacks.

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Money Saving Tips for Homecoming

Homecoming can be an exciting time, but also a stressful one. With school just getting under way, the next challenge for families is preparing for homecoming. Here are a few tips from dresses to dinners that will make the preparation fun and fruitful without breaking the bank.

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Best Things to Buy in September

Every month we share with you the best deals to buy and here is the next installment: What to buy in September.

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How to Celebrate Labor Day in Frugal Style

Labor Day weekend is the first holiday during the school year and often gets overlooked as a prime vacation holiday because everyone is consumed with school activities. But Labor Day weekend is actually a great time to get away for a few days and relax. Here are some ways to celebrate with a frugal Labor Day weekend.

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How to Save Money When Buying a Computer

Because of back to school sales and electronics retailers rolling out new models, August is a great time to buy a new computer. Here is a guide to saving money when buying a computer.

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