
Money Saving Articles

How to Use an Envelope Budgeting System

Budgeting is something that many people can relate to doing. With the economy being the roller coaster that it has been, it can be difficult to rely on just the notion that you’ll get by. So many have sought out means of budgeting better, or at the very least a more effective means of doing what they have already been trying to do. If you

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Should I Buy Used Electronics to Save Money?

We’ve talked about what items you should buy used before, but how do you know which used electronics are worth it? After the jump, view this handy infographic by comparing the newest phones, tablets, laptops and TVs to their predecessors.

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5 More Frugal Things That End Up Costing You More Money

We all love saving money, but sometimes you have to consider the long term effects before getting short term savings. Last week I wrote about 5 frugal things people do that end up costing more money in the long run – here are another 5 ways saving money now can end up costing you more later.

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Overcome Challenges to Your Household Budget

For so many families today, building a budget and sticking to it can be quite a challenge. Every family has different styles and different techniques when it comes to budgets.  If a specific technique becomes too much of a challenge, don’t give up. Try another technique and keep on working your way to financial freedom. Here are six ways to overcome challenges to your household

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5 Frugal Things That End Up Costing You More Money

I love finding new ways to save money, from learning how to do things myself or cutting back on unnecessary activities. But sometimes we get ahead of ourselves and only consider the money saved right now, without thinking about the future. Here are 5 frugal things that will end up costing you more money in the long run.

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3 Tips to Save Money When Buying a Car

In the past, figuring out how much a car would cost you was simple.  There was only one price for you to consider, the one on the sticker at the dealership. Today it’s a different story.  There are multiple prices for each car and they are everywhere: online, in the newspaper, on commercials, on Twitter, and on the sticker at the dealership. Buying a car

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8 Tips for Online Shopping

Online shopping is becoming more and more popular and for good reason. You can find all kinds of products at different locations from the comfort of your home, and save time and money doing it. Here are 8 tips to get the most out of online shopping.

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Tips for Protecting Your Money and Identity Online

When it comes to being money-wise, most people suggest careful budgeting and smart spending. While you need to watch how much you spend and how much you save, you also need to pay attention to where and how you spend money. More people than ever before are using their credit cards to make purchases online. Credit card safety with online shopping is important both for

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5 Ways to Save Money on Car Insurance

Car insurance can be a significant drag on your finances over time. Moreover, rates are rising as part of the general economic recession, with average premiums for drivers over $1,000 a year for basic coverage. There are some ways in which you can reduce your premiums to find a more affordable deal. Here are five ways to save money on car insurance.

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The Ultimate Budget Plan

Sorting out your finances is one of those jobs that is easy to put off. A little organisation and budget planning, however, can help you be more in control of your life. You’ll be able to take action if needed, work out how much you can spend on luxuries and plan ahead for the future.

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