
Money Saving Articles

Tips for Back to School Shopping

Back-to-school shopping can be a lot of fun, especially with the prospects of a new school year and the neat supplies available for purchase. Unfortunately, it can also make saving money difficult, but there are many ways to combat the woes of school supply budgets. Here are some tips for back to school shopping so you can get the best items at the best price.

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How to Survive the Summer Heat on a Budget

We are currently in the hottest month of the year in the United States. July and August top the lists with record setting hottest days. Find out how to survive the summer heat without blowing your budget.

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Achieve a Fulfilling Life Without Lots of Money

There seems to be a common misconception that winning the lottery or landing a six figure income job will suddenly solve all of our problems. Of course having enough money to not have to worry about bills and still be able to splurge is nice, but realizing money isn’t the root of happiness is a good start. There are several things you can do to

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7 Frugal Summer Vacation Ideas

We’re about halfway through summer and gas prices are steadily rising. If you’re one of the many Americans who decided to nix the vacation this year due to a tight budget, perhaps consider one of the following vacation ideas before summer completely passes by. Here are 7 frugal summer vacation ideas.

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Tips to Improve Your Credit Score

A good credit score can open many doors for you. It may be a door to a new home or automobile, and getting the best rates for the loans associated with these purchases and any other lines of credit you apply for. A writer for Quizzle said, “Having a good credit score is like having the world’s best coupon book for all of life’s major

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Your Guide to Thrift Store Shopping

Thrift shopping is a fun and frugal way to find items you need for great deals. What used to be a stigma has become a very popular way to shop. Even hip-hop duo Macklemore and Ryan Lewis have jumped on board with their hit rap song “Thrift Shop”. Thrifting serves many different purposes for different people: it’s a great resource for DIYers, hobbyists can find

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Raising Children on a Budget Part 2: Solutions

We see it all the time, children throwing tantrums in stores because their parents refuse to buy them an item. Some parents give in so the child will stop crying, and others stand their ground and allow the child to scream all the way out the door. Raising children on a budget can be hard, gut-wrenching work. You don’t want to spoil them, but you

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Raising Children on a Budget Part 1: Issues

We see it all the time, children throwing tantrums in stores because their parents refuse to buy them an item. Some parents give in so the child will stop crying, and others stand their ground and allow the child to scream all the way out the door. Raising children on a budget can be hard, gut-wrenching work. You don’t want to spoil them, but you

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5 Financial Mistakes to Avoid

According to American Debt Advisor 80% of Americans are in debt, including secured debts like homes and cars. When you exclude those secured debts, still 50% of Americans are in debt “and half of that 50% has thousands of dollars owed”. Those numbers seem very discouraging, so how do we avoid living in the hole? Below are five financial mistakes to avoid, and how to

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5 Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget

Eating healthy is hard enough for most Americans, and then factor in the dozens of fast food chains sprouting up on every corner with their convenient dollar menus. There’s no wonder why we are one of the most obese countries in the world. Choosing to live a healthy lifestyle can be very expensive since organic and fat free products tend to cost more. However, you

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