Keeping track of your credit and using it responsibly is a large part of financial fitness. Here at BillCutterz, we believe that being credit savvy is just as important as getting your bills reduced. Rather than telling you to get rid of credit cards, I’m going to outline some tips to help you deal with them. Start Learning Young Talk to your children about…
If you don’t already have plans for Memorial Day weekend, it isn’t too late to make them. It’s the first three-day weekend of summer! Here are some frugal tips to help you enjoy the weekend ahead. Local Events Check your local newspaper for any events this weekend. Most cities also have websites dedicated to promoting local events and activities. If you’re close to Washington D.C., there…
That time of year has come again, back to school and all the shopping it requires. The kids need school supplies, backpacks, lunch boxes, and new clothes. Does this strike fear in your heart? No worries, we have some tried and true tips to get back to school shopping done without blowing your budget. Do they have anything they can still use? This is…
If you decide to forego “Obamacare” and choose to self pay, how can you keep your health costs lower? Take a look at some ways you can get affordable medical care without actually buying health insurance:
It’s that time of year again: fall is right around the corner, and with it comes the holidays. Family, presents, and parties await, bringing joy to all that participate. But as much fun as they can be, holidays can also be costly. And even though Halloween is over a month away, it’s time to start planning so you can throw a boo-tiful and frugal Halloween…
We’ve talked about how to save and prepare for a baby before, but we haven’t talked about how much it costs to give birth. Here’s a handy infographic that outlines potential costs that come along with giving birth, and gives you ways to help combat the high prices. View full infographic: The Sky-High Cost of Birth Infographic Source:
It seems the biggest stress plaguing young people is money. Whether it’s not having enough of it, spending too much of it, or being unsure of how to manage it, money is at the top of everyone’s mind as they set out into the real world. For most young professionals, now is the first time there has been a steady flow of money, and it’s…
A pet can be a great addition to the family; however, they can get pretty darn expensive. But you don’t have to choose between that adorable puppy or kitten and money. Here are some ways to save money on pets.
Early September is one of my favorite times of the year because I love back to school shopping. I can feel the freshly sharpened pencils and the crisp, clean notebooks that are just waiting to be filled with knowledge. While I love shopping for school supplies, I don’t always like the part where I spend a small fortune. Luckily, BillCutterz has us covered with these…
For those who want to stay busy this summer without breaking the bank, we’ve put together a list of our wonderful articles focused on saving money and having fun while enjoying your family and summer break.
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