
Money Saving Articles

Reduce Credit Card Debt with a Lower Interest Rate

Credit card bills are something that the average American is no stranger to these days. The truth is, just about all of us have a credit card in our pocket or pocket book! Paying these bills is just something that we’ve become accustomed to. But, what if there was a simple way to cut the costs associated with credit card debt? Well, there is!

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What to Do if Your Credit Card is Lost or Stolen

Credit card issuers are rapidly increasing in number. Retailers and companies are launching their own line of credit cards for every possible market out there. Even retail warehouse clubs have started offering financial assistance to their consumers, with much leniency. With the rolling abundance and accessibility of credit, people must also be reminded of ways to secure and protect it. Your credit card is one

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8 Best Budget and Money Management Tools

Unless you’re super rich, you probably need to keep track of where your money is going each month. One of the easiest ways to do that is to use one or more of the many tools available online. Here is a list of the 8 best budget and money management tools that will work for most households and allow you to sanely keep track of

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How to Save Money and Become Debt Free

There are multiple ways to get out of debt if you’re ready to follow some effective strategies that’ll help you save money which can be then utilized for paying off your debts. Most think that getting out of debt is not possible unless you get some outside help. However, that’s not always the case. Whether you’re suffering from credit card debt or mortgage loan, it’s

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What Affects My Credit Score

Credit scores can be a tricky business. For someone who is new to personal finance and financial responsibility, credit scores can seem a bit of a mystery. There are many facets to your credit score—several things impact your score and there are several ways to maintain a better rating. Of course, before worrying too much about what your actual score is you should try to

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Overcome Challenges to Your Household Budget

For so many families today, building a budget and sticking to it can be quite a challenge. Every family has different styles and different techniques when it comes to budgets.  If a specific technique becomes too much of a challenge, don’t give up. Try another technique and keep on working your way to financial freedom. Here are six ways to overcome challenges to your household

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5 Easy Ways to Save Money on Gas

Gas prices are once again on the rise with today’s average at $3.772 across the country. Here are 5 easy ways to save money on gas.

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What does the CARD Act mean for you?

The CARD Act went into effect over a year ago, but many people aren’t aware of what it will mean for them. This law includes new rules and huge changes for the credit card industry.

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Credit Cards 101

Depending on how you use them, credit cards can either be a great financial tool or they can be a burden of improper spending and lead to a mountain of high interest debt. No matter what kind of credit card user you are, you should always read the fine print so you know all of your rights and those of the credit card company. Make

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